The Doctor In You
In a world grappling with a global crisis, Dr. Cesia Estebané felt an undeniable calling to share the remarkable insights and experiences that have shaped her journey of health, adventure, and love for life. This timely release comes at a time when individuals are seeking profound healing and a renewed sense of purpose.
With an unwavering commitment to lifelong learning, Dr. Cesia Estebané delves into the profound constructs of life and health, unraveling the depths of human potential.
"The Doctor in You" presents five key constructs that serve as a guide to generating optimal health and wholeness in every aspect of life.
Drawing on Dr. Cesia Estebané's extensive experience as a chiropractic doctor and her passion for helping others, this book offers practical wisdom and transformative exercises. It invites readers to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery, connecting the body, mind, and spirit in a state of total harmony.
"Dr. Cesia Estebané has poured her heart and soul into this book, driven by the desire to support the reader's quest for their inner power to heal," stated Yasmín Rodríguez, the editor and translator of "The Doctor in You". "Readers will be captivated by the lovingly shared knowledge, and inspired to embrace a life of completeness and fulfillment."
"The Doctor in You" is not just a book but a gift of love designed to attract joy, abundance, satisfaction, and splendor into the lives of its readers. It encourages a deliberate and thoughtful reading experience, with exercises that allow for deep absorption of the transformative principles presented.